Ginger James Studio
American Artist Ginger James is not painting pretty pictures to hang in the parlor. She's making a statement about her times. The worlds' best artists painted a diary of their lives. Frieda Kahlo showed her love for Diego, her disasters and her pain. Picasso painted the many women in his life, in sleepy sensual repose, and their despair. When you view the paintings, you can see their daily lives, passion, poverty, perversions and love of life. It's all there, in paint, in color and form. The diary of an artist. This is the work that fascinates me.
Ginger James American Artist
“Ask About Poster Sizes 11 x 17- 18 x 24 – 28 x 40 and 36 x 48”
Ships to USA only – Ask about International Rates
Men Servants
We all like an Elegant Man Servant to Nourish and Entertain us occasionally, and These Boys Love Their work...
The Artist and Her Model
The Artist and HER Model. Historically It has always been The Artist and HIS Model. Bout time we change that, Ginger James is doing just that! See them here, and you can own one.
Masterpiece Reversals
James has Reversed The Reclining Woman Models of Many Old Masters into her own version of Inspirational Luxury.
Abstract Aliens
Enter the Mind of Sergio Picasso
The Maestro of The Modern Mandala
Sergio Picasso Updates These Ancient Forms
Doodle Painting of Yourself or Friend!
Only $215 Be a Harem Man! A Harem Empresss
$12 Small Signed Prints
Affordable 8" x10" Prints From Zorgio and Ginger James -bring some into your World!
Personalized Reel Discontinued
Get A Personalized Reel From Alassin, Zappy Birthday, Congratulations, Love Note
Signed Photos of Zaza and Zorgio
Get signed Photos of The Original Zorgolians and Ginger James!
Dolls, Assemblage Items, Constructions
The Geometry of Jamesism
Ginger James Forms Her Figures Geometrically
Matadors! Harem Men and Genies
Originals and prints available
True Nudes
Adult Section 18 and Older Saucy Images COMING SOON!